Vilaseca appointed to Harris County Safe School Commission

19 Dec, 23

On December 19, Commissioner Lesley Briones proudly appointed Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca to the Harris County Safe School Commission.  

Vilaseca served as District VI Trustee for Houston Independent School District (HISD) for five years, demonstrating her dedication to education and commitment to improving the lives of families in her community. Currently, she is an executive for a Fortune 100 company, and has a proven track record of fighting for the needs of her constituents and making a positive impact in her community.

Holly grew up in a working-class family in a small town in rural Ohio after her mother immigrated to the United States from Colombia. She is the first in her family to go to college, earning bachelor’s degrees in Latin American and Caribbean studies and Sports Management and Communications from the University of Michigan, and a master’s degree in Social-Organizational Psychology from Columbia University.

Holly began her career in education in 2004 at the Houston Independent School District where she worked for Teach for America as a bilingual pre-kindergarten teacher. She taught bilingual and dual-language early-childhood classes in public schools. Holly transitioned into the non-profit and private sectors continuing her work in educational development. She has consulted with urban school districts across the United States regarding strategy, the implementation of software programming, districtwide evaluation systems, virtual and blended learning environments, human capital development, and strategic planning.

Currently, Holly works as a Sustainable and Performance Infrastructure Executive where she constantly examines ways to improve crucial infrastructure in a cost-effective and responsible manner in the public sector across Texas. Throughout her career, she has honed skills in operational efficiency; responsible budgeting; working collaboratively to identify solutions to strengthen systems; honoring tax-payer dollars; and strengthening communities. She brings with her these qualities in service for the public good.

Flynn Vilaseca has served on the City of Houston Mayor’s Hispanic Advisory Board for Annise Parker and Sylvester Turner and has been featured in Latino Leaders Magazine. She also served on the board of the Mexican American School Board Association, National School Boards Association and is a member of Rotary International and the West Houston Chamber of Commerce. Holly and her husband Nelson are raising their son and daughter in Houston and in HISD schools. Holly and her family are members of St. John Vianney Catholic Church.